
Mixtape Sept 21

I find myself struggling to keep up with all my new music commitments at the moment so I’ve avoided the latest Twitter top ten challenge to concentrate on getting my blog out.  Twenty new music recommendations described and collected in a playlist. Hope you enjoy the songs and my ramblings.

Elizabeth Quay (a.k.a. Betty's Jetty) Perth, Western Australia

1) Sleep by Ddouble Impactt & John Your Mate

John Your Mate has created a dark brooding dub tinged trip hop track and enlisted Ddouble Impactt to bring the lyrical flows.  The theme is sleep, the lack of it and the perils therein.  It’s a cousin to Faithless and Massive Attack and just as awesome.

2) I Worry About My Health and Caffeine Intake by Lossline 

The excellent new song from the purveyors of new miserableness.  The sound of early onset middle age accompanied by a long list of negative doubts and self criticism.  Health issues, the aging process, diet, attitude, anger at self serving politicians and dealing with the endless corridors of routine.  It’s an infectious tune that demands repeated plays and its another high tempo song which is unusual for a song wallowing in self pity.  Stop the press! Lossline have just released a follow up called Case History.

3) Friends in High Places by Narcissus featuring Becki Fishwick 

They have reunited again with terrific results.  You may recall their previous collaboration Cuttin Through Red Tape and seek it out if you’re unfamiliar with that one. This time there is a James Bond vibe with sultry vocals and killer bass line and orchestrated music that promotes Narcissus out of the usual indie leagues into the next division.  This is a phenomenal piece of music that I can’t stop playing. You’ll find them on Manchester’s 42s Record Label and this single marks them out as one’s to watch.  If there was an indie music fantasy football league I’ld be starting them in midfield. I think I’ve stretched the football analogy too far now! 

4) Morphine Dream by The Empty Mirrors and Robert Severin

The Empty Mirrors have been making some brilliant singles this year and are definitely pushing themselves in interesting directions.  There is a dreamy feel and recurring dream theme in their songs - check out their earlier releases Camel Train with Jenny Stevens and Kaleidoscope City with Bruno Rocha. Anyway they seem to release a new song every week but I’m fascinated by Morphine Dream at the moment.  There is great imagery and hints of 1980 David Bowie dressed as a sinister clown circa Ashes to Ashes.  I hear Robert Severin - a Glaswegian Hungarian has recorded other songs with the Empty Mirrors so the future is bright, the future is retro! 

5) Lemon Tree by Enola Fall

Enola Fall have become my favourite Tasmanian band this year.  ( Don’t tell Quivers).  This song has gorgeous guitars that echo the sound The Edge was making on The Joshua Tree.  It’s a similar sound that Oh! Paulo captured on his original version of Take Us Higher.  I’m rambling on a bit this month and easily distracted so back to Enola Fall. Lemon Tree is a beautiful sounding song which I have no idea what it means but the lyrics also remind me of The Cure.  So congratulations Joe - you’ve done it again.  I’m happy to float away on the thermals and be lost in A Forest of Joshua Trees.  

6) Hope You Are Well by Adult Prom

This band I discovered whilst accidentally looking for someone else but what a great find.  They come from Salt Lake City, Utah and this is the opening song on their new album - Mild Horses.  Not to be confused with the band Mild Horses.  Actually yes you should confuse them just like I did. Hope You Are Well is a spooky and sweaty waltz-time Wurlitzer gem that will get under your skin if you let it. 

7) Waiting for My Life to Start Again by David Nyro

Staying in the US over in Seattle is an artist by the name David Nyro who has created this epic song dealing with a life on hold.  The song connects on different levels - to some it will resonate given current pandemic restrictions but it also relates to an introvert in emotional retreat pondering whether the time has come to brave personal interactions and break free of the prison of their mind. 

8) Down The Line by Tom Bright 

I seem to have missed the rise of Tom Bright but he has now come to my attention via this tearjerker.  His voice catches a few times as he sings a song of lost love.  The acoustic guitar strumming with the backing slide guitar licks penetrate the soul and when the strings come in I’m gone.  It reminds me of the excellent song by Death In Vegas called Killing Smile which also breaks hearts with acoustic guitars and strings. So I’m late to the Tom Bright party but I am following him now and he has already released another far out song with the intriguing Amateur Astronauts.

9) The Confidence of Ignorance by Blokeacola 

Yet another infectious trippy song from Blokeacola.  He’s included his som on the recording which must make him the youngest musician to feature on my blog. The lyrics are endearing and relatable and one off the key themes is mood swings and emotional torment. However it won’t get you down because it’s a psychedelic SFA style indie pop song.

10) Is Not Everything Morbid by Joe Peacock 

Joe Peacock has teamed up Joe Adhemar as producer and the first results from this pair of Joeys is in.  I love the way this song builds up adding new instruments one by one.  There’s Beatlesesque noises I can’t even place, a funky bass, jazzy piano and Joe’s vocals as he tells the story of Djuna Barnes. Joe explains more on his own blog called JoeOnMusic.tumblr.com  This is my new favourite from Joe Peacock and I’m pleased to announce Joe will be joining me as a guest on my next Daft Pom radio show. 10am on Saturday 18th September on InYourEarsMusic.com 

11) Firebug by 3 Little Wolves

3 Little Wolves are also joining me on the next Daft Pom show to talk about their recent activity and pick some banging tunes.  Speaking of bangers Firebug is up there, it’s harder and faster than anything you’ve heard from them yet.  A buzz-saw siren guitar shatters preconceptions, pounding drums, synths and a killer chorus.  This unexpected punky number is like Joy Division on speed.  It’s backed by three more tracks so find some time and check it out.

12) Hurricane by Jet City Sports Club

Sydney’s Jet City Sports Club have released a follow up to their brilliant September Sun EP with another epic.  Hurricane shifts from calm minimalism to howling swirls of grunge guitars and drums.  A wonderful and distinctive vocal performance throughout elevate this to the next level.  Hopefully they will soon be out of the NSW lockdown and able to resume their band life.

13) Bullet 4 You by Louis and the Shakes

A crooner from the London band taken from their album How Badly Do You Want It, that comes out at the end of September. It’s available on vinyl if you’re interested.  Check their socials for a 25% discount codec.  Louis and the Shakes have released five singles since the end of last year and if bluesy cowboy indie Gonzo rock appeals to you then check them out.  

14) Regret You by Revivalry

The new song from “those pesky kids” is a fast paced blast of poppy rock and the band sound tighter than ever.  Another reviewer (sorry forgot who) recently said that Connie is sounding like Debbie Harry on this new song and as I can’t top that description, I’ll have to repeat it.  I hope to hear What Revivalry did on their Summer Holidays soon when their radio show returns. 

15) Like A Rolling Stone by Royal Chant

A great faithful cover of a Dylan classic by Australian band Royal Chant with extra fuzzy guitars. It’s the lead song taken from a marvelous new 3 track EP.  Give them a follow on all the usual platforms. 

16) Better Days by The Crooks 

The Crooks have toned it down on this latest released,  adding piano and strings to their acoustic guitars and produced something of an anthem.  I’m writing this as I listen for the first time and I have a good feeling about this one.  It’s their best song of the year and fits snugly alongside the acoustic / orchestral mixes of In Time and She Walks Alone that came out on The Crooks, Vol. 2

17) Is It Worth It Anymore? by High Tropics

Another downbeat world weary anthem that would have you waving lighters in the air if the theme of despondency hasn’t robbed you of all motivation.  Seriously through, this is a great song to stroke your chin to but their won’t be any moshing.

18) Wayfaring Stranger by Anthony McElwee

An excellent traditional cover from the Scottish Donovan (@MobyTanner TM).  It’s the Johnny Cash version of this song that I am most familiar with from American III Solitary Man but Anthony McElwee does it justice in his own wistful style.  

19) The Overload by Yard Act 

Leeds electro rockers return with another fun filled romp filled with unpleasant characters and dark humour that is gaining them a significant following.  

20) Heard It On The Radio by Loops & Loops

Love this 2 minute ode to hearing a new song on the radio and how it makes you feel.  I hear many of these tunes on the inyourearsmusic.com radio where I help select the best songs from D.I.Y. Artists as well as doing a fortnightly show on Saturdays.  So listen to the artists recommended here and then listen to our brilliant radio station.  

Right I’ve got to finish this blog as I won't be in a fit state tomorrow.  

Have a great weekend. Cheers Danny


  1. Thanks so much, Danny! What a great list! Most of these folks are new to me. It's like Christmas morning!
    And I hear you about keeping up with all the amazing new/undiscovered music. There was a fair amount back in the bad/good old days of major record labels. But now, the music output is literally hundreds of thousands more! Yikes! But also very cool. Good luck to all!

  2. Too cool, thanks for the inclusion of Royal Chant amongst some very fine company. Blogs are damn rare these days so it's nice to find a new one. Cheers xoxo



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