

The horrific terrorist attack by Islamist extremists targeted against children at a music concert in Manchester last week was sickening and unforgivable.  My heart goes out to the family and friends of anyone affected by the events at the Manchester Arena.  The response and the stories of assistance showed the resilience from the people of Manchester.

I've been to a few gigs in Manchester when I was a student and I've always loved the music of the city - the Roses, the Mondays, the Smiths, Oasis, Joy Division and New Order.  One of my favourite films is 24 Hour Party People which depicts the Manchester music scene and the rise and fall of Factory Records with Tony Wilson (played by Steve Coogan).

So here is a playlist to celebrate the Music of Manchester over the last forty years.

Evil must never be rewarded and terrorists will not change the way we live.  

Madchester Will Rave On


 My new music podcast has just celebrated its 50th episode - it did this without me as I've only just realised.  Anyway here are the lin...