
Mixtape Nov 16

November 2016 - The US Presidential Election between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton stumbles into its last days.  It is worth reflecting on an election poll conducted back in June when 43% chose Hillary, 38% chose Donald and 13% chose a Giant Meteor crashing into the planet causing a cataclysmic end to life on Earth.  Here is a soundtrack for the end of days.

1) Might As Well Be Gone by Pixies 
Love the Pixies - why did they split up for 20 years?

2) Where I End And You Begin by She Drew The Gun
Beautiful downbeat lament from Liverpool.

3) Deep Blue Skies by The Vryll Society
Good use of the wah-wah pedal displayed on this trippy wig out.

4) End Of An Era by Public Access TV 
NYC - The Strokes, The Virgins and now Public Access TV

5) Our Town by Sticky Fingers
Australia's Sticky Fingers providing the soundtrack to another BBQ season

6) Strange Diseases by Gang Of Youths
Sound like Aussie Kings of Leon fronting an Orchestra 

7) Press Rewind by Kaiser Chiefs
Kaiser Chiefs continue their invasion into Hot Chip's territory

8) No No No by Yes Sunshine
Ramshackle Indie Rock from Coventry 

9) Sweep Me Off My Feet by Pond
New single from one of Perth's best bands - hopefully a new album will follow 

10) Lost Cause by Sons Of The East
Meanwhile in Sydney the Sons Of The East are releasing Embrace style anthems

11) Bills by Ultimate Painting
I thought Veronica Falls had been quiet lately.  Just found their guitarist in another band.  

12) Don Quixote by Drapht ft. The Hilltop Hoods
Perth's top skip hop artist teams up with the Hoods 

13) Learning To Fly by Deep Sea Arcade
Great Aussie band who appear to be about to follow up the excellent Outlands album

14) 16 Beat (Cassius Remix) by Metronomy
Funky French Techno Vs Grooves from Devon

15) Takeover by L-Fresh The Lion
L-Fresh has attitude, rhymes and beats - Aussie Skip Hop Legend 

16) The Summer by Spring King
Dedicated to everyone in the Southern Hemisphere

17) SloMo by San Cisco
Fremantle Band with a ridiculously poppy song - as slick as an oil spill

18) Time After Time by Iron & Wine
Amazing cover of Cyndi Lauper song

19) Find Me by Kings of Leon
This sounds just like Gang of Youths if they were American and didn't have an orchestra!

20) Found God In A Tomato by Psychedelic Porn Crumpets
Best Named Perth Rock Band Ever with 9 minutes of madness 

Until next month - giant meteor permitting

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