
Mixtape Jan 2021

Happy New Year Music Lovers. 

2020 was a bugger of a year but it still had the best soundtrack and there is no reason to suggest that the quality will dip in 2021 if you know where to look.  

Spoiler Alert - I know where to look. This blog recommends 20 songs - some released in the last few hours and others released way back in 2020.  All are great and I urge you to follow, promote and support the artists. Buy some mechandise, physical or virtual music and when safe to attend gigs go and see them live. Remember to support the band you want to survive. No need to buy any Simply Red T-Shirts at this stage!

1) Kingpin by A Month Of Sundays 

Rock N Roll from Perthshire Scotland that reached me in Perth Australia and instantly blew me away.  I had to play it on repeat and buy the EP from Bandcamp within minutes of hearing it.  There are 3 songs on Fat Sam’s Grand Slam EP - New track Comes Back Down is like a thrash jangle take on Some Might Say. The debut single Kingpin released in July 2019 is a rocker and We Got Something Outta Nothing previously released on a charity compilation has nods towards poppy Velvet Underground with a Roses outro.  A mix of 60s, Madchester, punk and J&MC influences make A Month Of Sundays one of the most exciting new prospects for 2021.  Here is the link to buy their debut EP https://a-m-o-s.bandcamp.com/album/fat-samsgrand-slam  Follow them on Twitter at @Month_OfSundays

2) MDMA by Jonny Ash

Jonny Ash are based in Wrexham in North Wales who released their debut single in October.  MDMA is the final song from the 4 track Blurry Vision debut EP released a week before Christmas.  This excellent EP includes both Eclipse and Rosies singles and two new songs Brother and MDMA. Phenomenal guitar work here across these four tracks. Follow on Twitter at @jonnyashband

3) Wildfire by Are We Static

I was introduced to the music of Are We Static this week and fell hard for the Wildfire single that came out in October.  Are We Static have been around for a few years having released their debut album in 2017 and the second album Accepting The Universe, in November 2020.  They have an indie space rock vibe.  Wonderful songs reminiscent of Muse or Feeder in their heyday. Follow them on Twitter at @AreWeStatic

4) Everyone Loves Janet by Cigarillo

A Britpop band from Adelaide, who appear on South Australian End of the Pier Records label.  This is their debut single - a double virtual A side with Rtl2.  The sound is somewhere between The Buggles and Supergrass and it’s a fun romp.  

5) Downfall by The Drift

The Drift are a new band from Birmingham and Downfall is the second release.  A follow up to their debut single Going Up.  Downfall isn’t the comedown thankfully and it rocks harder than the debut.  Downfall’s message is to avoid over dependence on social media and chasing the stars who will never save us.  As Noel Gallagher once put it,  “Please don’t put your life in the hands of a rock n roll band who’ll throw it all away”. Follow on Twitter at @theDriftUK

6) Queen of Liverpool by Vela Incident 

A story of a holiday heartbreak on the latest excellent single from Welsh band Vela Incident.  They originally formed in and gigged in the late Nineties but never recorded anything at the time.  During the lockdown they hooked up virtually and began recording their old songs using mobile phone apps.  The band have had to exist in the virtual world and the current lineup hasn’t actually physically met! There is new material coming soon and perhaps an album in 2021. Follow on Twitter at @IncidentVela

7) TV Fantasy by Joe Astley & The Wallgate Band.

Joe’s Anthem for the North was awarded the prestigious #1 position as Best Song of 2020 by myself and @mobytanner in our #Indie100 countdown and we are both convinced there is a bright future ahead for Joe.  Joe Astley's Acceptance Speech

That future starts here with a New Years Day release of his debut single with the Wallgate Band.  TV Fantasy is a blast of Wigan adrenaline to kick start the New Year.  Great lyrics as you’ld always expect from Joe - my only gripe is it fades out too soon.  Perhaps the album version will be longer?  Until then there is always the repeat button and I urge you to use it! Follow on Twitter at @jastleyofficial and @thewallgateband

8) Seeing The Life by The Young

Heavy ominous rock from The Young who hail from Staines.  This is their fourth single and they have been together since 2016 but this is the first I’ve heard of them.  Having just played their previous singles I am now up to speed and following them on the socials. Follow on Twitter at @youngbanduk  

9) All That I’ve Ever Seen by The Institutes

The sixth release from The Institutes - another great band that I only discovered this month.  Spotify tells me I discovered over a thousand new artists in the last 12 months so I am trying to stay on top of new music but there is so much of it.  The rhythm section is really tight here - it opens like a Mid-80’s R.E.M. and ends as a furious singalong anthem.  Follow on Twitter at @theinstitutesUK

10) Take Us Higher by Oh! Paulo

The guitars here sound like they came straight off the Joshua Tree and the lyrics are about the power of music to lift you up. Oh! Paulo is from the Scottish musical hotbed of Aberdeen.  Surely it is time that Aberdeen and Wigan were twinned!  Top bloke - give @OhPauloMusic a follow on Twitter.

11) Revolution Son by Shiva and the Hazards

A mixture of shoegaze and glam rock - perhaps a new genre is born #glamgaze - you heard it here first kids.  Shiva and the Hazards hail from Melbourne and are working on their debut album.  They toured with Cast and Ride in 2019 and Mark Gardener mixed this single.  Follow on Twitter at @shivahazards

12) Shimmer by Macroscope 

Another beautiful song from Macroscope to lose yourself in its intricacies.  A tale of unrequited love told in widescreen with the orchestral soundtrack playing loud and clear.  (Bring tissues). Follow on Twitter at @macroscopeBand

13)  Tears by Little Sparrow 

An amazing song and an unforgettable video - Little Sparrow has been compared to both David Bowie and Kate Bush. Little Sparrow will soon be Massive Sparrow so enjoy the music and spread the word. Follow on Twitter at @uklittlesparrow

14) I Wanna Be Like You by Psychedelic Porn Crumpets 

Perth psychedelic rockers with a cover of the Jungle Book classic song recorded on Triple J’s Like A Version segment.  The lads throw the kitchen sink at this - tremendous fun! Follow them at @porncrumpets

15) Hungry Like The Wolf by Darklove

An indie supergroup containing members of Gorillaz and Moby with their debut release - a cover of Duran Duran.  Thanks again to indie influencer @macaronpurpl for this find. Follow the supergroup at @darkloveband1

16) If Only by Dean Dovey

Dean Dovey released three singles in 2020 and If Only is my favourite of these.  This song has cinematic qualities to it.  Its an emotional tale of regret and reminds me of a Bond theme. Give @dinodill a follow.

17) Weird Fishes by Leanne La Havas

This was recommended to me recently - a haunting cover of a Radiohead song from In Rainbows.  Leanne appears to be a major star with millions of listeners but as I spend my time looking for emerging artists and unsigned indie bands I have no idea what is popular these days.  Sometimes it’s nice to discover international pop stars years after everyone else! 

18) The Less I know The Better by Kamino Royale

Northern Irish singer who has only been publishing music as a creative release since lockdown.  This is a brilliant cover of Tame Impala’s 2015 hit single.   Follow him at @kaminoroyale

19) All Day and Night by The Strifes

A power trio of indie rockers from Southampton with their scorching debut single.  Follow at @theStrifes_

20) Dear Genevieve by The Mariners 

The problem with doing a monthly blog is the fast pace of releases leaves some songs waiting four weeks for a mention.  A touching song written about his relationship with a young daughter.  Backed by two b-sides - Sorry Suzanne and Are We Nearly There Yet? And with a second album is planned for 2021 it’s never too late to #GetOnTheBoat! at @TheMarinersBand


 My new music podcast has just celebrated its 50th episode - it did this without me as I've only just realised.  Anyway here are the lin...