
Mixtape May 2016

Old Indie Kid's Mixtape May 2016

Some very exciting tunes this month and I thought it was going to be a quiet one!

1) Let's Go Crazy by Radio Riddler featuring Suggs taken from the reggae tribute album you never knew you needed "Purple Reggae".  R.I.P. Prince

2) Another Dub In The Sun by Jagwa Ma.  The B Side to their new single Another Day In The Sun.  As good as finding a lost track from Screamadelica.       

3) Poem by She Drew The Gun.  Social commentary from this top new band from Liverpool. 

4) Spirits by The Strumbellas.  A Canadian band with an infectious hit.

5) Wild Roses by Bill Ryder-Jones.  Back to Liverpool for a solo effort from the former lead guitarist of The Coral.   

6) In Miracle Land by The Vines. A bit too Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds? 

7) Go Up by Cassius.  Return of the French electronica duo who were big in the late '90s. 

8) Ghetto People by Chronixx.  I can't get enough Chronixx at the moment. 

9) Space Oddity by The Flaming Lips.  A deep space Bowie cover.

10) Teenage Crime by Rod Ladgrove.  Another cover this time with acoustic guitar.

11) Dracula Teeth by The Last Shadow Puppets.  Time to get orchestral on your ass!

12) The Community Of Hope by PJ Harvey.  From the Hope Six Demolition Project album.

13) Angela by The Lumineers.  Latest single from the Colorado trio.

14) Sunday Morning by Billy Bragg & Courtney Barnett.  A Velvet Underground cover.

15) I Love EU by Gruff Rhys.  The Super Furry Animals say no to Brexit.

16) Plucky by Morly.  She is from Minnesota and she makes great records.

17) Where Are You Now? by Royal Blood.  The Brighton Rockers latest release from the soundtrack of the HBO Show Vinyl.

18) Wish You Were Here by The Milk Carton Kids.  Beautifully sad.  Thanks for the tip off Sam.

19) Billie Jean by The Civil Wars.  Hey I was busy this month so you get a load of covers!

20) The Tourist by Sarah Jarosz.  Radiohead cover and that's me done for another month.  Peace X


 My new music podcast has just celebrated its 50th episode - it did this without me as I've only just realised.  Anyway here are the lin...